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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

FAQs to assist you when customer service is either unavailable or you are simply searching for a quick answer about breastfeeding, please visit our breast-feeding tips section.


Breast-feeding tips:

Benefits of Breastfeeding on Mothers and Babies

According to the latest studies, babies who have been fed solely with breast milk for at least 6 months have stronger immune system and are less prone to illnesses, and are most likely to maintain a healthy weight. When mothers breastfeed, they are actually delaying their menstrual period. Breastfeeding could also help in proper pregnancy gaps.


How often should I feed my baby

Feed your baby as often as he or she wants to be fed. This may be 8 to 12 times a day or more. Let your baby nurse until he or she is satisfied. This may be for about 15 minutes to 20 minutes at each breast. Try to have your baby nurse from both breasts at each feeding.


What is the let-down reflex

The let-down reflex makes breastfeeding easier for your baby and means your milk is ready to flow. A few seconds to several minutes after you start breastfeeding, you may feel a tingle in your breast, and milk may start to drip from the breast not being used. These are signs that your milk has "let-down." Let-down may also occur if a feeding is overdue, if you hear your baby cry or even if you think about your baby.


Latching pain

It’s normal for your nipples to feel sore when you first start to breastfeed, especially if you’re a first-timer. But if baby has latched and the pain lasts longer than a minute into your feeding session, check the positioning.


Cracked nipples

Cracked nipples can be the result of many different things: thrush, dry skin, pumping improperly, or most likely, latching problems. During the first week of breastfeeding, you may have bloody discharge when your baby is just learning to latch or you are just beginning to pump. A little blood, while kind of gross, won’t harm baby.


Inverted/flat nipples

You can tell if you have flat or inverted nipples by doing a simple squeeze test: Gently grab your areola with your thumb and index finger — if your nipple retracts rather than protrudes, you’ve got a problem, Houston. Not really. But breastfeeding will be more challenging.


Clogged/plugged ducts

Ducts clog because your milk isn’t draining completely. You may notice a hard lump on your breast or soreness to the touch and even some redness. If you start feeling feverish and achy, that’s a sign of infection and you should see your doctor. Most importantly try not to have long stretches in between feedings — milk needs to be expressed often. A nursing bra that is too tight can also cause clogged ducts. Stress (something all new mommies have an overabundance of)


Engorgement/high milk supply

Engorgement makes it difficult for baby to latch on to the breast because it’s hard and un-conforming to his mouth.



Thrush is a yeast infection in your baby’s mouth, which can also spread to your breasts. It causes incessant itchiness, soreness, and sometimes a rash.


Monitor feedings

A baby who nurses all the time or who never seems satisfied may be going through a growth spurt. If she’s asking for more frequent feedings, meet her needs until the growth spurt passes. These growth spurts occur throughout the your baby’s first year of life typically between 10 to 14 days old, 4 to 6 weeks old, three months, four months, six months and nine months.


Baby 7 is committed to supporting mothers with their wish to breastfeed their babies by providing the best fitting breastfeeding products.
Read Disclaimer

Baby 7 welcomes your questions and/or comments. However the information presented here is not meant to resolve,breastfeeding problems. Our responses to your questions are offered as helpful breastfeeding tips only and not medical advice. If you have persistent breastfeeding problems, or if you have further questions, please consult your healthcare provider for guidance specific to your needs.

Again, thank you for visiting the Baby 7 LLC website.